Good MORNING!!! The little ones are off school today - and I have got to get some scrapping done! I have a secret too. But first I have a sketch!
IF you give the sketch a try be sure to come back and post your linky so we can all see! I will post mine tomorrow or wednesday - depends on how CRAZY my Tuesday gets. It should not be too bad - but all hell seems to break lose atleast a few times a week around here!
So what's my secret? I know you are dying to know - and I have been dying to tell you! I was asked to be a guest designer on the Prima Blog! They have such fabulous products that when I read the e-mail asking me if I would be interested I think I actually squealed! And you have GOT to check out some of their new stuff! I had no idea that they did so much more than those uber cool Got Flowers? bottles! I know where have I been??? Check out the spot to see what my favorites are from their new product line. I even used a few of my TAC stamps on the layouts - I could not resist!
This week saturday I am hosting february's Creative Escape Crop - I am trying to determine the start time as I type. DJ will be in Beloit for Regional Wrestling tournament - and I want to go of course! IUt starts friday and goes thru thil saturday night. He does not plan to be "in" it for long - as in his words "I suck mom!" Poor guy - I so admire his dedication and guts to get out there every week and get pinned or out wreslted by upperclassmen. It sucks being a sophmore on the varsity wrestling team. It is so hard for a tenderhearted mom to watch! I try not to let DJ see my eyes filling with tears for him - i know he would just DIE if anyone else saw! ANYWAY - I will keep you all posted on the start time - for now I am looking at 4PM. Actually I will set it for then and can send out an SOS on saturday if I end up able to start much sooner than that.
Oh Heather-girl - you make us all so proud!
Posted by: Sue Gerth | February 16, 2009 at 01:01 PM
That's our momma! Way to go Heather, what an inspiration you are. Congratulations!
Posted by: Debi | February 17, 2009 at 05:54 AM
Mr Linky wasn't up so I am posting mine here! Thanks for the cute sketch!!
Posted by: Laurie | February 18, 2009 at 07:51 PM